One of the biggest driving forces in people filing for bankruptcy is the dissolution of a marriage. Whether they need a bankruptcy to resolve financial issues in the course of a divorce, or need to clean up a financial mess created by a marriage that didn’t work out, people end up talking to a bankruptcy lawyer.
For that reason, we have created this podcast to answer those questions that arise when the bankruptcy is necessitated by a divorce, either by one spouse or jointly by both of them. Since questions also arise from a “non-debtor spouse” about how their rights can be affected, we deal with those as well.
This podcast is specific to divorcing couples, and therefore may not answer many of your bankruptcy questions. Therefore, if you need further information, I would suggest you go to my web site and download my book, Top Questions People Ask About Filing Bankruptcy in New Jersey. Even more answers are provided throughout the site itself.
Please bear in mind that this podcast and web site do not take the place of a consultation with a bankruptcy attorney on the specifics of your case, nor does it create an attorney-client relationship. Its purpose is to provide you with some general information that will help you to understand your rights and options. Your next step should always be talking to a bankruptcy lawyer about the details of your case before making any decisions on how to proceed.
Please also bear in mind that these podcasts will be dealing with issues of New Jersey family law and bankruptcies as they are handled here in this state. If you are not from New Jersey, this podcast is not for you.
That said, please enjoy!
Steven J. Richardson, Esq.
Julie R. Freeman-Burick, Esq.